BULK-COPY-PRG.txt (4,8 kB)
CLR Integration.txt (2,3 kB)
Constraints_in_SQL.docx (19,6 kB)
Date_time_data_types_in_sql.pdf (224 kB)
DDL.txt (9,3 kB)
demotables.txt (1,9 kB)
DMLTCL.txt (5 kB)
DQL.txt (61,8 kB)
IMP_questions.docx (23,4 kB)
Indexed_Views.docx (77,8 kB)
Indexes.docx (30 kB)
Index_on_table_variable.docx (15,2 kB)
InterviewQuestionsSQLSERVER.txt (36 kB)
Isolation_Levels.docx (26,2 kB)
ISOLATION_LEVELS_1.rtf (59,8 kB)
ISOLATION_LEVELS_2.rtf (56,9 kB)
Linked Servers.docx (36,1 kB)
Merge.rtf (235,6 kB)
Points_To_Remember.docx (14 kB)
Query_Optimization.txt (146 B)
Questions SQL.pdf (31,1 kB)
Recursive.docx (17,8 kB)
Return_Values_SP-s.docx (16,8 kB)
ScriptsDeploymentSSIS.txt (9 kB)
SPLIT.txt (1 kB)
SQL FAQ-S (1).doc (369 kB)
sql interview (1).pdf (235,9 kB)
sql interview (2).pdf (130,2 kB)
SQL Server 2008.txt (2,4 kB)
SQL Server 2012 Tutorials - Writing Transact-SQL Statements.pdf (422,2 kB)
SQL-F2F.docx (160,1 kB)
SQL-F2F_1.docx (160,3 kB)
SQL-Queries with Answers.pdf (1,3 MB)
SQL-Server-Interview-Questions-and-Answers.pdf (242,5 kB)
SQL-Server-Interview-Questions-Answers.pdf (486,3 kB)
Sql-server.doc (111,5 kB)
sql-the-complete-reference.pdf (4,4 MB)
SQL.txt (1,2 kB)
sqlinterview.pdf (130,2 kB)
SQLServer2008InterviewQuestionsAnswers.pdf (804,6 kB)
SQLServer2008InterviewQuestionsAnswers1.pdf (2,3 MB)
SQLServerquestions.pdf (204 kB)
SQL_1.txt (5,2 kB)
sql_faq.doc (202,5 kB)
SQL_FUN.txt (1,3 kB)
SQL_Server_Views.docx (15 kB)
sql_tutorial.pdf (2,3 MB)
T-SQL.txt (39,7 kB)
Teach_Yourself_SQL_in_21_days_FULL.pdf (2,8 MB)
temp_var_temp_tble.rtf (100,2 kB)
Transaction and Locks.txt (4,6 kB)
TSQl-basics.pdf (7,6 MB)





Adding a Chart and defining a Custom Palette in Reporting Services 2008.doc (2,6 MB)
Adding breadcrumbs to your drillthrough reports.doc (336 kB)
Aggregate of an aggregate function in SSRS.doc (216,5 kB)
Better way of repeating charts based on parameters.doc (385,5 kB)
Building and deploying basic reports.doc (530,5 kB)
Creating a Drill Down Report with SQL Server 2008.doc (242 kB)
Deploying the report on the web server.doc (327,5 kB)
Drill down in SSRS Map Reports.doc (597,5 kB)
Drill Down Techniques in SQL Server Reporting Services with the Visibility Property.doc (409,5 kB)
Enabling Drilldown on.doc (163 kB)
Getting Started with Shared Datasets in Report Builder 3.doc (704,5 kB)
Groups in SSRS 2008.doc (4,9 MB)
How to Create and Edit a Report in SQL Server Reporting Services.doc (653 kB)
Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Report Builder 2.doc (1,2 MB)
Passing multi.doc (102,5 kB)
REAL_AS_Design_Drilldown.doc (2,2 MB)
Report Models in Reporting Services 2005.doc (135,5 kB)
Report Server Components.doc (44,5 kB)
Reporting Services.doc (2,7 MB)
Scaling Up Reporting Services 2008 vs.doc (783,5 kB)
SSRS 2008 Hosting.doc (1,3 MB)
SSRS 2008 Tutorial.docx (657,9 kB)
SSRS Architecture.doc (41 kB)
SSRS Concatenate two string fields-5.doc (303 kB)
SSRS Create a simple parameter-2.doc (413 kB)
SSRS Create a simple report-1.doc (850,5 kB)
SSRS Create a subreport with parameter-3.doc (683 kB)
SSRS Create Sparkline chart-4.doc (525,5 kB)
ssrs feature.doc (56 kB)


SQL Server 2012 Tutorials - Analysis Services Multidimensional Modeling.pdf (1,9 MB)



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Date: 04/02/2021

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Date: 02/02/2021

By: Donaldwob

Subject: скважина на воду зимой

Привет дамы и господа
Обустройство скважины с кессоном из бетонных колец
Использование кессона из бетонных колец при обустройстве скважины – правильный выбор в пользу долгой службы Вашей скважины – порядка 70-100 лет. Бетонная конструкция самая прочная и устойчивая из всех конструкций, использующихся при защите и обустройстве скважин. Такие кессоны под своей тяжестью не сдвинуться даже под большим напором воды. Отменная защита Вашей скважине гарантирована. Монтаж кессона из бетонных колец и завершение обустройства скважины:
Вокруг обсадной трубы экскаватор выкапывает котлован шириной около 2 м. Данные для глубины берутся из паспорта на скважину. Дно котлована выравнивают.С помощью крана на дно котлована опускают бетонную плиту с отверстием для обсадной трубы – дно будущего кессона. Использование донной плиты обязательно ввиду риска усадки и вымывания грунта под кессоном.Далее с помощью крана на бетонной плите размещают от 2 до 4 бетонных колец. Стандартная высота кольца составляет 90 см.Далее рабочий с помощью лестницы спускается вниз, заделывает стыки бетонных колец цементным раствором.Отверстие вокруг обсадной трубы засыпается плотно мелким щебнем либо цементно-песчаной смесью.В первом бетонном кольце проделывают отверстия для вывода труб. Выкапывают траншею от кессона в дом, для прокладки водопровода.Прокладывают водопровод. Выводят систему полива участка.Устанавливают в кессоне гидроаккумулятор, фильтр, системы автоматики.Поверх бетонных колец опускают верхнюю плиту. Отверстие для обслуживания обустроенной скважины закрывается полимерной крышкой люка.Стыки заделывают цементным раствором.Щели вокруг кессона засыпаются выкопанным ранее песком.Монтаж кессона и обустройство скважины закончено.

Date: 30/01/2021

By: Vincevok

Subject: Porn XXX Video Porn Tube

Profitable enterprises are able to get to a sizable audience via their marketing methods. Nowadays, it's easy to do exactly that on the internet. With good video marketing content material, you can encourage on your own to the world within minutes. The information in this article will assist.

Whenever you build a online video for marketing purposes make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You desire your potential audience to view the whole meaning, and when it is very long you will most likely drop audiences since they click on away from. You could always proceed a imagined or information in a follow up online video if necessary.

Don't only rely on video clips within your marketing campaign. They can be fantastic marketing equipment, however, they need to not substitute your other marketing strategies. Videos should never change articles development like article writing or running a blog. Videos need to simply be employed to improve the information inside your marketing strategy and to develop your link portfolio.

If you're marketing something, build a video clip which tells your customers ways to use the product. You can begin with opening up the box, operate via how to place it collectively, and after that prove to them how they may use it. This may cause them enjoy how much you regard your clients.

In your online video marketing, let the viewer know why it is you supply the product or service that you do. They are able to easily see what you supply, but inform them the primary reason for it. Wide open, real and candid conversation engenders believe in, which engages new target audience and keeps prior consumers.

Video clips must be personal to catch the viewer's consideration. Be entertaining, warm and friendly, quiet and comfortable along with your watchers won't affect the route, as it were. The better open and sincere you are, the more effective acquired you will be. Adhere to subjects you're absolutely passionate about as that may come out inside your attitude.

Make sure that your videos are promoted inside a two-retract fashion. Permit your existing core audience recognize that new content is up, via your blog and e mail or e-newsletter listing. Nevertheless, also be sure to advertise it to new readers via social media marketing articles and search engine marketing strategies within your budget.

Anytime any person openly asks a question within the remarks on your video clips, look at if you can answer them in one more video clip. If you believe about this, it is possible to make a funny solution which offers all of them with the data they look for along with a entertaining movie if other people would want to see, each of the much better!

Bear in mind what potential marketing with video has over other social media forms. Youtube, Facebook or myspace and weblogs are common text message platforms. Only through online video information your feeling, as well as comes through. Body words is reported to be virtually all communication, and short of a one on one conference, a youtube video will be your after that-best bet.

Make sure that your videos have summaries and even transcripts of the content. The search engines cannot but hear or view video lessons to directory them effectively. So, a complete description in the text message or code will likely be your best option at obtaining your movie rated nicely.

If you are just starting online video marketing, then get yourself a video up once you can. Studying techniques and strategies and learning hypothesis and organizing is actually all excellent. However, there is not any more potent trainer than trial and error. Get your initial video up and you may study a great deal.

You ought to have an improved comprehension of getting observed rapidly with video clips. You will discover the opportunity to create a planet-large viewers. Marketing and advertising through video lessons will assist you to hop on monitor in order to meet your objectives.

Date: 30/01/2021

By: RobertFes

Subject: Porn XXX Video Porn Tube

Profitable enterprises can easily reach a big potential audience by means of their marketing strategies. At present, it's simple to accomplish that on-line. With very good marketing with video articles, you may advertise yourself to the world in minutes. The ideas on this page will assist.

Whenever you create a movie for advertising and marketing functions make it beneath 2 a few minutes. You would like your potential audience to observe the whole information, and when it is too long you are going to possibly shed viewers while they just click off of. You could always proceed a imagined or message inside a followup online video if necessary.

Don't only depend upon video lessons within your advertising campaign. They are excellent marketing equipment, however, they need to not swap your other marketing methods. Videos should never replace content production like content creation or operating a blog. Video lessons must basically be utilized to boost the information inside your advertising campaign and to build up your hyperlink collection.

If you're selling a product, develop a video which conveys your potential customers how to operate the merchandise. You could start with starting the box, operate by means of the way to put it collectively, and then show them how they can make use of it. This may cause them value how much you value your customers.

Inside your marketing with video, allow the audience know why it is that you simply provide you with the goods and services that you do. They may very easily see what you offer, but tell them the true reason for it. Wide open, real and honest interaction engenders believe in, which engages new target audience and retains earlier buyers.

Video lessons must be individual to catch the viewer's interest. Be exciting, friendly, calm and comfortable as well as your watchers won't alter the route, so to speak. The greater available and genuine you are, the higher obtained you may be. Adhere to subject areas you're truly excited about as that can emerge in your demeanor.

Ensure your video lessons are publicized inside a two-fold design. Allow your overall central viewers understand that new content articles are up, by means of your website and electronic mail or news letter listing. Nonetheless, also ensure that you advertise it to new followers through social websites posts and seo methods affordable.

When any individual requests a subject inside the feedback on your own video tutorials, look at provided you can respond to them in another video. If you believe regarding this, you are able to think of a humorous solution which gives these with the info they look for plus a entertaining online video if other folks would like to watch, all the better!

Remember what energy video marketing has around other social networking kinds. Tweets, Facebook or twitter and weblogs are typical written text mediums. Only by means of video information your emotion, as well as will come by means of. System vocabulary is said to be the majority of interaction, and short of a face to face conference, a relevant video is your next-best option.

Ensure that your video lessons have summaries or even transcripts of your information. Search engines like google could not however hear or view video tutorials to index them correctly. So, an intensive outline from the text or rule will probably be the best choice at having your video ranked properly.

Should you be just getting started with online video marketing, then get yourself a video up once you can. Studying tips and techniques and understanding theory and organizing is actually all good. Even so, there is not any far better educator than trial and error. Obtain your very first online video up and you will definitely become familiar with a good deal.

You should currently have a better idea of getting discovered quickly with video clips. You will learn the capability to develop a world-broad target audience. Marketing and advertising by way of video tutorials will help you hop on keep track of to satisfy your targets.

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